Monday, June 2, 2008

The Black pearl

This book is about a boy named Ramon who lives in Santa Baja California. Ramon has an eye on a mysterious black pearl and a sea urchin called the Manta Diablo. The Manta Diablo is a sea monster that supposedly lives in a nearby lagoon, which holds many secrets and is used by mothers and fathers to scare their children into being good. Local fisherman and pearl divers also fear the wrath of Manta Diablo and continue to pass on the story that no one should enter Manta Diablo's domain. When divers or fisherman fail to return from the sea, Manta Diablo is blamed. . Ramon's father is a local pearl dealer. Ramon often works in his shop listening to the local lore about the existence of a large black pearl in the cove where Manta Diablo lives. He longs to be a pearl diver but his father forbids it because it is too dangerous. He warns Ramon that only bad luck will come to those who possess the black pearl. Ramon decides to disobey his father and search for the forbidden black pearl. With the help of a local fisherman, he journeys to the forbidden lagoon and recovers the black pearl. Its existence in La Paz is cause for both joy and fear. Many do not believe it is the actual pearl, and pearl dealers hesitate to possess it. It is decided that the pearl will be given to the local church to be held in good keeping by the Virgin Mary, but the pearl continues to exert its influence.

I liked this book because it was full of excitement.

I used the technique of visualization and determining the importance.

This book was written by Scott O' Dell.

After Summer

School is over for Alex Delaney, and he is spending his summer at his family’s beach house on the Australian coast near his hometown of Brisbane. Alex is awaiting for his university acceptance to law school and the anticipation is killing him. He's not expecting much from summer. Bodysurfing, TV, but mainly waiting.
"The girl” who Alex meets unexpectedly changes his life forever. Alex is not prepared for her perfect appearance, compelling green eyes and expertise in bodysurfing. From the first glance, he is immediately infatuated by her. Luckily for Alex, who normally is timid around girls, is able to strike up a conversation with her, which leads to breakfast, and eventually a relationship. Meeting Fortuna makes the waiting bearable for Alex.
Alex is drawn to the ease of her lifestyle, and the laid back attitude of her eccentric family. He finds himself falling intensely in love with her for the first time. In the end, the realization hovers over Alex that he has a decision to make concerning “the girl”.

When reading this book I used Visualization and determining the importance.

The author of this book is Nick Earls.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Schwa was here

Calvin Schwa is one of those kids who doesn't get noticed, even when he's standing in the middle of the boy's bathroom singing "God Bless America" while wearing an orange sombrero and a cat costume. When Antsy Bonano does finally notice him, the decide to test the "Schwa Effect," then to make some money from it. They go one dare too far, however, and end up doing penance to a crabby, rich old man with a beautiful blind granddaughter.
Fun aside, though, not being noticed can be tough, especially for the Schwa, whose mother disappeared when he was five and whose father seems to be out in space most of the time. As Antsy learns more about the Schwa's miserable life, he's determined to be the one who notices. But the Schwa has something more dramatic in mind.

When reading this book I used determining the importance and visualization while reading this book

The author of this book is Neal Shusterman

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bud, Not Buddy

This book is about a kid named Bud Cadwell who is ten years old and lives in an orphanidge. His mother died at the age of six. At the orphanidge his best friend was a kid named Bugs. He is then sent to live with a foster family, the Amoses who are very abusive to him and make him sleep in a dirty shack. In the shack he feels helpless and alone. When Bud finally escapes the shed he goes back into the house to grab his suitcase and leave for good. Bud then reunites with Bugs when he is sleeping under a tree next to a local library. They both decide to go to Hooperville to find food and shelter. Bud is also and mainly going to find his father who he suspects to be Herman Calloway. In Hoopersville Bud meets his crush Deza Malone. Bud and Bugs then try to take the train to Chicago but Bugs only accomplished too get on the train and bud was left behind. Bud decides to set off in search of his father. The journey will be difficult because he doesn't know who the man is. His only clue is a flyer advertising a jazz band that was left in his suitcase by Angel Janet Caldwell, Bud's mother, before her death. Bud aims for Grand Rapids, Michigan convinced that the leader of the band, "Herman E. Calloway and the Dusky Devastators of the Depression" is the man he's looking for. When Bud finally meets up with Herman calloway he believes there is no way Bud could be his son. Bud then notices some rocks with some writing on it that Calloway has. Bud then grabs some of his rocks out of his suitcase and tells Herman "I have some just like yours." Herman proceeds to examin the rocks and sais who did wo get these from. Bud then replies my mother. Calloway then realizes that he is Buds Grandfather! Herman then asks where is your mother, then Bud said she died four years ago. The davastated man then goes up to his room where he cries. Bud comes up to console his grandfather and then they hug.

Bud is an orphan who is ten years old. Herman Calloway is the Leader of Herman Calloway and The Dusky Devastators of the Deppression.

I used visualization when reading this book.

The author of this book is Christopher Paul Curtis. Some other book he wrote include Bucking the sarge, The watsons go to Birmingham etc.

Honus and Me

This book is about a kid named Joey Stoshack. His family is poor and could really use some money. Then their neighboor Mrs. Young offers Joey a job to clean out her attic and she will give him $5.00 if he does that. He accepts the offer and goes to her attic and it is very dingy and a mess. He doesn't think that it is worth only 5 bucks but he accepted the offer and wanted to follow through. When he is almost done, he finds one last box. Then a baseball card slips out of the box and falls right in front of him. He realizes that the card is the rarest in the entire world. There are only about 40 of them. It was a Honus Wagner Tobacco Box Card. It was the rarest because the tobacco companies gave out cards in their boxes but Wagner decided that he didn't want to be associated with tobacco. So they stopped making those cards but a few still got out! He went to the store to sell it right away and the seller only offered him $100.00 trying to trick him. Joey refused. Joey then checked how muh the card was worth on the computer, it was worth over $300,000. Then that night the card brought Wagner to his time period. The next day they played a little baseball together. The day after that Joey had a baseball game and he did really bad like usual. Then Honus showed up and told him that he was overstriding when he swung the bat. Then they decided to go to Honus' time period and they went to the 1906 World Series against the Tigers. Ty Cobb and Honus Wagner were the best players on each team the Pirates and the Tigers. The Pirates, won! Then when Joey decided to tell Mrs. Young that he took the card instead of throwing it out like he was supposed to she ripped it up.

Joey Stoshack is a boy who collects baseball cards and is in love with the game of baseball. Honus Wagner is one of the greatest baseball players of all time who is sent into the future through a baseball card.

I used visualization in this book during when Joey was sent back in time, I visualized what 1919 was like.

The author of this book is Dan Gutman. Some other books Dan Gutman wrote include Jackie and Me, Shoeless Joe and Me, Babe and Me, and Mickey and Me.

Honus and Me


This book is about a teenage girl named Dallas. Dallas' mother died when she was little, therefore, she lives with her father. She is a very independent girl and wants to do things her own way. She is always having confrentations with her father leading her to hang out with the wrong people. Her father seems to really resent the fact that her mother was a fun loving and dare taking person. Her mother was killed when Dallas was five on one of her crazy adventures. Dallas' dad was always telling her, "you're turning out just like your mother." Dallas always resented this because she couldn't see anything wrong with having fun and she really admired her mother for being that way.Dallas makes a lot of bad decisions in her life. She made one really bad choice,the one got her sent away to a group home for six months. At this home she meets a surplus of different types of girls. She became very good friends with a lot of them, especially her roommate. Her roommate's name is Shatasia. Shatasia has a baby girl that keeps her motivated from doing bad again. Shatasia left the home before Dallas did. Dallas really missed her and tried to keep in touch with her. Throughout the book Dallas made decisions thatt will change her life forever.

Dallas is a fifteen year old girl who is always getting in trouble that is sent to a girls home. Shatasha is dallas' best friend in the book who has a baby girl.

During this book I used visualization of what it would actually be like in a girls facility like this one.

The author of this book is Jean Ferris.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


In Hatchet Brian Robeson is stranded alone in the canadien wilderness. While traveling in a single engined Cessna to visit his father —whom his mother has just divorced as a result of an affair that Brian knows about but his father does not, and who is working in the Canadian oil fields, the pilot suffers a fatal heart attack, and Brian must crash land the plane. The plane sinks in a remote lake in the Canadian Woods.
Brian figures out how to make fire and forces himself to eat whatever food he can find. He eventually becomes quite a craftsman, crafting a bow and a
. During the story he struggles with memories of home, and the bittersweet memory of his mother, for if she had not had an extra lover, there would not have been a divorce or the plane crash to follow.
Brian is saved when a tornado hits the woods, tossing the plane wreckage towards the surface. Brian crafts a raft from raw materials to get to the plane. When Brian was working his way into the plane, he drops his hatchet in the water which makes him realize how important the hatchet was to him. After diving numerous times he retrieves the hatchet, and was able to successfully locate the survival pack containing a transmitter, packs of food, and a gun. Brian unknowingly activates the transmitter thinking it was broken, and is rescued by a fur trader who comes in a water plane.

Brian is a thirteen year old boy who is adventurous and trapped in the Canadian wilderness.

I used visualization and determning the importance when reading this book.

This book was written by gary paulsen. Some other books he wrote include Brians Winter, Dogsong, and Brians Hunt.

Where the Red Fern Grows

This book is about a kid named Billy who lives on a farm. He wants two good coonhounds very badly, but his dad cannot afford any. Billy works hard, selling fruit and bait to fishermen, so eventually he has enough money for the dogs. He decides to name them Old Dan and Llittle Ann. He can see that Old Dan is very brave, and that Little Ann is very smart.
Billy's mom and sisters are overjoyed. Billy keeps up his hunting. One night, however, his dogs tree a mountain lion. Old Dan howls defiantly, and the big cat attacks. Billy is horrified, and with his axe he enters the fray, hoping to save his dogs, but they end up having to save him. Eventually, the dogs defeat the mountain lion, but Old Dan is badly wounded. He dies the next day. Billy is heartbroken, but Little Ann is so sad that she loses her will to live, and dies a few days later.

Billy Colman - The protagonist of Where the Red Fern Grows. At the start of the novel he is ten years old. He has three younger sisters. He is filled with "puppy love"--he wants a dog badly. He is a brave boy, full of determination and grit.Old Dan - Old Dan is one of Billy's red bone coonhounds. He is bigger and stronger than Little Ann, the other hound. He will never leave a raccoon once he is on its trail, although sometimes his impatience gets the best of him, and he loses the trail.

I used the technique of visualzation and determining the importance.

This book was written by Wilson Rawls. I do not know any other books he wrote.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Somewhere in the Darkness

Jimmy little, a fourteen-year-old boy, and his estranged father, Crab, are reunited after nine years. Crab, who is terminally ill from a kidney ailment, has escaped from prison to share the truth of his past and to re-establish a relationship with his son.
Jimmy embarks on a physical and psychological journey as he and his father explore their pasts. Because his mother died when he was a baby and his father has been in prison, Jimmy never had the opportunity to learn about the past until being reunited with his father. Jimmy is initially reluctant to develop a relationship with Crab, but eventually opens his heart and mind and learns about himself and his father. Although Jimmy recognizes that Crab is unable to depart from his illegal ways, he comes to believe that he was falsely accused and did not kill anyone. When Jimmy's father revisits an ex-partner-in-crime, he is betrayed again, captured by the police, and dies cuffed to his hospital bed with Jimmy at his side. Jimmy comes to realize in life mistakes are made but sometimes can be understood and forgiven.

Jimmy is Crab's son who is a fourteen year old African american. He is not conscience and doesn't care about anything. He is a very unhappy kid. Crab is Jimmy's father who is dying and is always in pain. He acts very strange but wants to have a relationship with his estranged son Jimmy.

I used visulization and dertimining the importance when reading this book.

The Author is Walter Dean Myers. Some other books he wrote include Scorpions, Monster, The Outside Shot, Hoops and Slam.


On the basketball court 17 year old Greg "Slam" Harris is in control. His disciplined body does what he tells it, the ball is an extension of his arms and his powerful legs allow him to elevate above the ground. Off the court however his life is a mess. His grandmother is in the hospital on her death bed, his grades are horrible, and his best friend is possibly dealing crack. This is what Slam is facing in life. He wants to go to college then continue on to play for the NBA. Though his grades may prevent him from doing that. So, he gets help from Mtisha, who Slam loves, to tutor him in math so he can stay eligible. Slam's coach feels Slam is a showboat and does not play him. Slam befriends the old basketball coach at Latimer who not only gives him basketball tips but also gives him tips on life.

Slam is a 17 year old African American who is great at basketball. MTisha is slam's tutor who slam loves.

The reading strategies I used was visualization and determining the importance.

This book was written by Waltern Dean Myers. Other books he wrote were Somewhere in the Darkness, Hoops and The Outside Shot.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Darkness Before Dawn

In her senior year of high school, Keisha Montgomery, was still distraught by the suicide of her ex-boyfriend, Andy Jackson. Keisha was having a difficult time moving on with her life until she meets twenty three year old, Jonathan Hathaway, the new track coach and principal’s son.
Jonathan is tall, dark and handsome and has his golden eyes set on Keisha Montgomery. Keisha is swept off her feet by Jonathan and is elated to have someone treat her like a woman, not a girl. Jonathan is the answer to Keisha’s dreams and a cure to all her nightmares.
Unexpectedly, this enthralling relationship takes a turn for the worst, and Keisha is once again thrust into darkness. She is physically and mentally abused by Jonathan and eventually finds her way out.
Keisha struggles to put her life back in perspective and is able to find her way back into the light.

Keisha is a African American girl who wants to someday be a track star. In her life many terrible things has happened to her but she has let them go and get on with her life. Jonathan is principle Hathaway's son who is a good looking young man. He has abused many people in his life and is not proud of it at all.

I used the technique of visualization and Determining the importance of the story.

This book was written by Sharon M. Draper the award winning author of Tears of a Tiger and Forged by Fire.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This story is all about a character named Jamal Hicks who is twelve years old. Jamal is having a difficult time with his family, his teachers and even the kids at school. He is feeling pressure to take over the leadership of the Scorpions gang from his older brother Randy who is in prison. Although his mother, sister and best friend Tito are against it. Jamal’s brother was sentenced to six years in prison for shooting someone in a delicatessen holdup.Crazy Mack, who is Randy’s best friend, has an idiotic idea. He wants Jamal to take control of the Scorpions and run crack. Jamal now becomes the new leader of the Scorpions. His best friend Tito also decides to join the gang. The disrespect from the Scorpions reached a plateau for Jamal when the members of the gang refused to respect him because he was only twelve years old and everyone else was fifteen or older.One evening the Scorpion gang members Indian and Angel approached Jamal. A fight broke out amongst them and Jamal was badly beaten. Jamal noticed a knife sticking out from Indians pocket and thought he was going to be stabbed. All of a sudden, there were sounds of multiple gun shots and Indian and Angel fell to the ground. Jamal realized his best friend Tito was again standing by his side and was the one who pulled the trigger. Shortly thereafter, Crazy Mack came walking by and shot and killed Angel. After this incident, Jamal and Tito decided to leave the gang for good. In his effort to escape the law, Tito became a fugitive and is now living somewhere in Puerto Rico. Jamal is still living in Harlem with his family and Crazy Mack became the new leader of the Scorpions.I liked this book because I love the way Walter Dean Myers writes. There is always a lot of action, suspense and detail.

Fat Kid Rules the World

Troy Billings is a seventeen years old, 300 pound high-schooler. He is miserable and has no friends. While on the verge of suicide, he meets up with a emaciated, semi-homeless, high school teen dropout guitar genius named Curt MacCrae. Curt forms a new band in which Troy agrees to be the drummer. This would mark the first interest for Troy since the death of his mother. He was skinny before his mother died, now he is fat and depressed with no end in sight. Though Troys father was not fond of Curt, he supported his son's desire to learn to play the drums and join the punk rock group. Troys vision is only through his weight and sees himself as a fat failure. Curts enthusiasm and confidence becomes contagious and soon Troy is believing in himself. With the help of each other, Curt and Troy were able to rescue themselves from isolation.I liked this book because the language was powerful and the results were positive.This book was written by K.L Going


This book is about a man named Petey who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. As a baby his parents gave him up to a mental facility were he would spend the rest of his life. One day a Mexican man named Esteban had been interviewed for a job at the infants ward in Warm Springs Insane Asylum. He had become a dear friend of Petey, the only friend he ever had. Esteban asked the nurse what is wrong with Petey. She told him he is an idiot which means he cant think. One day at the end of his shift, Esteban gave Petey a piece of chocolate. Esteban instructed Petey to nod his head if he wanted the piece of chocolate. At first Petey did not respond, until a week later. Much to Esteban's surprise, he began nodding his head for the chocolate. He rewarded him with a whole chocolate bar, a few days later Esteban was fired for sticking up for Petey. One week later the ward had found a retarded kid living on the streets named Calvin. They brought him to the facility and he became Petey's best friend forever. Another dear friend of Petey who had worked at the facility was Joe. Joe cared for Petey and Calvin like his own sons. he played with them and brought happiness to their lives. The best gift they received was two plastic guns from Joe for Christmas. They pretended to be cowboys. A few months later Joe worked his final shift at the ward, he moved away for better life Petey and Calvin were devastated. When Petey and Calvin turned twelve years old they were moved to the men's ward, they were always made fun of for acting so immature. Petey made a new friend Cassie who worked there as well. She was beautiful. When her husband got out of the war she moved back to New York. Petey was devastated once again. Twenty years later when Petey was fifty, someone named Owen started to work at the men's ward he gave Petey's life back again. After five years, he got too old for the job and left Petey. Unfortunately Calvin, his best friend, was transferred to another facility and Petey was going to be moved into a nursing home once again.I liked this book because it described a persons life with cerebral palsy in detail.I used the techniques of visualization and I was able to determine the importance.This book was written by Ben Mikaelson.


The book Heat is about an all star pitcher named Michael Arroyo who is twelve years old and who defected from Cuba with his father and older brother Carlos. They live in the South Bronx in the shadows of Yankee stadium. Michael's dream is to pitch his team to the Little League World Series. His father suddenly dies, and he and Carlos are trying to keep it a secret until Carlos turns eighteen and can legally take custody of Michael. Problems begin to arise for Michael. Rival coaches and jealous players can't believe Michael could be this good and be only twelve years old. Until Michael can prove his age with a birth certificate that is in his native home Cuba, he is suspended from playing baseball. If the people from social services find out his secret he will be separated from his brother Carlos the only family he has. In the end, Michael overcame the obstacles and was able to play in the final game of the playoffs which lead his team to the championship game.
Michael Arroyo is a talented young pitcher who is twelve years old. He is a Cuban immigrant who has faced many difficult challenges in life. He works very hard to develop his pitching skills. I admired Michael's determination and courage to never give up on his dream. I predict that Michael will become an all star pitcher in the Major Leagues. Manny, who is Michael's best friend, is the catcher on his team. He is very loyal, responsible, and helpful to Michael with the challenges Michael had to face.
This book appealed to me because I love the game of baseball. The characters in the book were an inspiration to me.
The reading strategy I used most when reading this book was making connections and visualizing.
The author of Heat is Mike Lupica. The only other book that I am aware of that Mike Lupica wrote is Travel Team, which I can't wait to read. The author used alot of detail in the book. It was an easy read to visualize and understand.

Albert Pujols

This book is about a professional baseball player named Albert Pujols. Albert is thirty one years old and plays first base, and some left field for the St Louis Cardinals. Pujols joined the Cards in 2001. Since then, he has already put up hall of fame numbers. In 2005, he became the first player in major league history to hit thirty homers in each of his first five major league seasons. In the same year he led his team to a world championship by hitting a game winning home run in the NLCS, one fans will always remember. Albert won his first MVP and was the happiest man in the world. In 2006, the Cardinals won the World Series once again. The Cards first basemen has worked hard to get were he is today. He works out with weights and is always in the batting cage. He is one of the best in the game today. If he continues his hard work, he will earn a spot in the hall of fame.I liked this book because I am a big fan of Albert and the game of baseball.I used the techniques of visualization and making connections. I was able to make connections with this book because I am also a baseball player as well as Albert Pujols.This book was written by Geoffrey M. Horn and he is known for writing books about athletes, entertainers, and many other stars today.

Wayne Gretzky

The first time Wayne started skating was at the age of two. From the start, Wayne had been a natural on his skates. There was nothing he'd rather been doing. Wayne's life had revolved around hockey, he watched it on television and spent every spare minute in the hockey rink practicing. By the age of five Wayne was tired of practicing and wanted to join a real team, though none of the areas would take on a five year old, despite his obvious skills. He had to wait untill he was six to join the Brantford atoms leauge for kids ten and under. When he finally joined he could barely fit into his uniform. Wayne was a scrappy kid where all of the other children were much bigger than him. The first year was tough, only scoring one goal, though the following years he was putting up unreal numbers. People had started saying he was a chid prodigy with tons of publicity. Many of the other parents would boo him while playing. He and his family decided to move to a different town where he would try to keep a low profile and he did while fitting in quite nicely. At the age of thirteen he was selected to represent Canada in Quebec where he would win the cup. At the age of seventeen Wayne had become the youngest player ever to play in the NHL. From then on he had dominated the league with many records that have been demolished. The "Great Gretzky" had then became the greatest hockey player of all time.While reading this book the skills I used were visualization and determining the importance.The author who wrote this book was Mat Doeden.I liked this book because it was very interesting to read about Wayne Gretzkys life.

Losing Joes Place

This book is about three friends named Jason, Ferguson, and Don who move into Jason's older brother Joe's apartment in Toronto for the summer. Their expectations for the summer is for a good time, zero for a bad time. There will be no parents, no rules and no problems. Once they arrive at the apartment complex, they find out its nothing like they imagined. The apartment complex is located in a run-down, dingy, part of the city. Next, they meet their landlord Plotnick, which is not a pleasant experience. He is a grumpy, older man, who has a major attitude problem. When the boys are all settled in the apartment, they go out for the night and have a good time. The following morning, they realize they had spent over $300.00. This is one of many obstacles the three boys would have to face during their stay. As the boys stepped outside the apartment, they had noticed Joe's camaro had been stolen. The following day, Jason received a postcard from Joe in Europe saying not to worry if the car was missing. Joe explained to Jason that he had made an agreement with his best friend Rootbeer, saying the car was his whenever he needed it. By that time, it had been too late. Jason had already filed a police report for a missing black camaro and the car was towed away. With a simple explanation to the police, the car was returned. They also had an unexpected expense, paying for a broken stair at the apartment complex. Jason, Ferguson, and Don realize that living on your own comes with many responsibilities. Life on your own is not always a bowl of cherries.I enjoyed this book because alot. This book kept my interest. It was full of detail and excitement.The author of this book is Gordon Korman. Other books by this author includes the Island series.

Forged by Fire

When Gerald was a child he was fascinated by fire. But fire is dangerous and tragedy strikes. His substance-addicted mother is taken from him. Then he loses his loving aunt who he adores. Geralds stepfather, Jordan, is mean spirited with an uncontrollable temper who abuses everyone in his life. The one bright light in Gerald's life is his little half sister, Angel, whom he struggles to protect from her father, Jordan Sparks, who abuses her, and from their mother, whose irresponsible behavior forces Gerald to work hard to keep the family together.As a teenager, Gerald finds success as a member of the Hazelwood Tigers basketball team, while Angel develops her talents as a dancer. Gerald and Angel still have many problems and difficulties in their life. Gerald realizes somthing must be done in order to stop the heartache in their lives. In the end, he must stand up to his stepfather alone in a blazing confrontation. Gerald is a troubled teenager who plays for the Hazel Wood High basketball team. Angel is gerald's sister who has been abused all of her life. As she grows older she begins to dance.When I was reading this book not once did I want to stop turning the page.This book was written by Sharon Draper. Other books by her include Tears of a Tiger and darkness before dawn.

Safe on Second

This book is about a kid named Todd Bannister who has scouts, agents, and recruiters begging for his attention and. As well being a good-looking, self-assured star athlete, he has fellow students and many adults doing the same. All of this comes to an end when he is hit in the face by a line drive and loses an eye. After losing his eye Paulie his best friend is the only one who believes he can pitch once again . Paulie and Todd try to practice everyday before the season begins. Though when practicing Todd gives up all his hope as if he will never be the same pitcher. Unfortunatley his attempt to come back is unsuccessful as he can no longer control his pitches and is pounded whenever he is put into a game. Now angry and unhappy, he eventually comes to a kind of acceptance of his new status and takes the first steps to getting on with his life. Todd is a good looking, tall, star pitcher for his baseball team. Paulie is his number one fan who in the end leads the team to victory.I enjoyed this book alot because my favorite sport is baseball and I love reading about it.The author of this book is Scott Johnsen. I am not aware of any other books he wrote.

The Kid from Tomkinsville

This book is about a young man from Tomkinsville, Connecticut named Roy Tucker. His parents are deceased and he lives with his grandmother on a farm. Roy is an avid baseball player. One day while Roy was pitching on his local baseball team, a professional scout spotted him and brought him to spring practice and the big leagues. With help from the Dodgers veteran catcher, Dave Leonard, Roy realizes that he has a tremendous amount of hard work ahead of him to become a pitcher for thr Brooklyn Dodgers. As Roy begins to prove himself worthy to play for the Dodgers, a freak acident threatens his hopes and dreams to lead his team to victory. Roy never loses his faith in himself and batted his way to success and fame. Two main characters in the book are Roy Tucker and Dave Leonard. Roy Tucker is a country boy from Connecticut with a very special pitching talent. When he arrives in the big leagues, he is overwhelmed by the luxuries of baseball. Dave Leonard is the Brooklyn Dodgers verteran catcher. Roy's success would not have been possible if he was not guided by Dave. During this book, I used the process of visualization and determing the importance. I enjoyed this book because I am a big fan of baseball. This book was written by John R Tunis.

Tears of a Tiger

This book is about a troubled teenager named Andrew Jackson who plays for the Hazelwood High’s basketball team. He has a loving and caring girlfriend, Keisha, and three close friends Tyrone, Robert, and B.J. After one horrifying night of drinking and driving, Andy’s life changed dramatically. The night he will never forget.
After a successful basketball game, the four best friends, went out to celebrate their victory. They had started drinking, all except for B.J. who had never drunk in his life. Andy was driving the car when it crashed into a wall, killing Robert Washington, his best friend, and the captain of the Hazelwood High Tigers. Now, months later, Andy can't stop blaming himself for the death of his friendAs he turns away from family, friends, and even his girlfriend, he loses faith in himself and his ability to face life. Andy is unable to overcome the guilt in his heart and commits suicide by shooting himself in the head with his father’s rifle. enjoyed this book because it gives a really strong message to the reader.This book was written by Sharon M. Draper. Some of the other books she wrote include Forged by Fire, Darkness before Dawn, Double dutch and Copper Sun.